środa, 10 lutego 2016

The Four Immeasurables

Love means wishing for the happiness of others.
Like a loving mother cherishing her child,
One’s body, wealth, and virtue all amassed one gives for others’ benefit,
While training to endure the harms that they inflict.

Compassion is a powerful state of mind,
An inability to tolerate the fact that others suffer.
Beings in the six realms are entrapped by sorrow and its cause,
And seeing this brings tears to one’s eyes.

Joy is to delight in other’s pleasure and success;
It is to cultivate the wish that all have happiness.
It is a joy one feels when they achieve it for themselves
And is the wish that they should never be deprived of it

Impartiality is freedom from attachment and hostility,
When sides and factions are all seen as equal,
When enemy and friend and neither –
Are all treated with an evenhanded kindness.
We should practice these four attitudes, remembering
That all is without true existence.

~ Jigme Lingpa

piątek, 5 lutego 2016

Pay attention

Please be careful in the future to pay attention. Karma can be very subtle and tricky. We might think something is no big deal, but it may turn out to have serious consequences, so pay good attention to the karmic process. This is what every practitioner needs to pay attention to, even those with the highest realization.

~ Dudjom Rinpoche

poniedziałek, 1 lutego 2016


Experience is always changing, like the movement of clouds against the sky. Realization – the stable awareness of the true nature of your mind – is like the sky itself, an unchanging background against which shifting experience occur.

~ Mingyur Rinpoche