Master Padma said: If you train your mind in love, compassion, and Bodhicitta, you will not take rebirth in the three lower realms.
Moreover, from this very moment you will never fall back. This alone is my oral instruction.
Wherever you go, keep Bodhicitta in mind, never departing from its company.
Whatever action you engage in, train in doing it for the benefit of sentient beings. Train in regarding others as more important than yourself. You will attain numerous qualities as a result of this training, such as having unimpaired samayas and vows.
Unless you cultivate Bodhicitta, you will not attain enlightenment, even though you may gain mastery of mantra and be very powerful.
All the supreme and common accomplishments will result from Bodhicitta arising in your being. That alone is my oral instruction.
~ Padmasambhava