poniedziałek, 20 lipca 2015

Om Mani Padme Hum

In this decadent age, because of their limited intelligence and lack of determination, people need to practice the Dharma in an essentialized form. The practice of combining devotion to the teacher as inseparable from Chenrezi with the recitation of the six-syllable mantra fulfills this need. This six-syllable mantra, the maṇi, is so easy to recite, yet it concentrates within it the substance of all the Buddhist scriptures. It is the essence of Chenrezi’s heart, and the blessings it brings are infinite. If you make it your main practice, humans, celestial beings, and even harmful spirits will be well disposed to you, and you will have a long life free from illness and obstacles. In your next life you will be born in the Blissful Buddha-field of the Potala Mountain, or at the very least in a place where the Dharma prevails. This is because Chenrezi’s mantra contains the infinite blessing and compassion of the Buddhas. 

~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - "The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones"

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