niedziela, 29 listopada 2015

Spinning the prayer wheel

Spinning the prayer wheel is a virtuous deed of body, speech and mind, and is therefore extremely beneficial. Whenever you can, if you have time for an hour or even just five minutes, you should pick up the prayer wheel and spin it. It is very helpful to maintain mindfulness, and therefore thoughts may come to an end. Thus, mahamudra can be practiced while spinning the prayer wheel, as it is a practice of maintaining mindfulness. Spinning a prayer wheel involves virtuous actions of body, speech and mind, and if you spin one at all times, you are accumulating merit continuously.

~ Garchen Rinpoche.

sobota, 21 listopada 2015

No limits and no boundary!

Dissolving into the expanse of emptiness
That has no limits and no boundary,
Everything I see, everything I hear,
My own mind, and the sky all merge.
Not once has the notion arisen
Of these being seperate and distinct.

~ Shabkar

środa, 18 listopada 2015

Viewing our experience in this world as a dream

Viewing our experience in this world as a dream, Siddhartha found that our habit of fixating on the mere appearance of our dreamlike relative world, thinking that it is truly existing, throws us into an endless cycle of pain and anxiety.

We are in a deep sleep, hibernating like a silkworm in a cocoon. We have woven a reality based on our projections, imagination, hopes, fears, and delusions.

Our cocoons have become very solid and sophisticated. Our imaginings are so real to us that we are trapped in the cocoon. But we can free ourselves simply by realizing that this is all our imagination.

~ Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche