czwartek, 29 grudnia 2016

Four Faults of Natural Awareness

So close you can’t see it. 
So deep you can’t fathom it. 
So simple you can’t believe it. 
So good you can’t accept it.

~ Kalu Rinpoche

środa, 21 grudnia 2016

Space and awareness.

It is said that the difference between buddhas and sentient beings is like the difference between the narrowness and the openness of space. Sentient beings are like the space held within a tightly closed fist, while buddhas are fully open, all-encompassing. Basic space and awareness are innately all-encompassing. Basic space is the absence of mental constructs, while awareness is the 'knowing' of this absence of constructs, recognizing the complete emptiness of mind essence. Space and awareness are inherently indivisible.

 ~ Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

niedziela, 18 grudnia 2016

Without causes and conditions, it is originally present.

Lady Tsogyal asked: 
Since it is meaningless not to cut through these three ways of straying, how should we transform them?

The master replied: 
Tsogyal, the empty essence of your awareness is not created by anyone. Without causes and conditions, it is originally present. Don’t try to change or alter awareness. Let it remain exactly as it is! Thus you will be free from straying and awaken within the state of primordial purity. In the same way, your cognizant nature is originally and spontaneously present indivisible from emptiness. Its expression, the unconfined capacity of whatever arises, has no concrete existence. Recognize that all three aspects [of awareness] are a great indivisible unity. Thus you awaken as the indivisibility of the three kayas.

~ Padmasambhava

czwartek, 8 grudnia 2016

Appearances are not real!

This is what the dharma practitioner needs to understand — that the whole of samsara, or nirvana, is as essenceless or untrue as that film. Until we see this, it will be very difficult for dharma to sink into our minds. We will always be carried away, seduced by the glory and beauty of this world, by all the apparent success and failure. However, once we see, even just for a second, that these appearances are not real, we will gain a certain confidence. This doesn't mean that we have to rush off to Nepal or India and become a monk or nun. We can still keep our jobs, wear a suit and tie and go with our briefcase to the office every day. We can still fall in love, offer our loved one flowers, exchange rings. But somewhere inside there is something telling us that all this is essenceless.

~ Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

piątek, 2 grudnia 2016

Ten things to understand

Understand that outer appearances are unreal
because they are illusions.

Understand that inner mind is empty
because it is devoid of self-entity.

Understand that thoughts are momentary
because they occur due to conditions.

Understand that your body and speech are impermanent
because they are conditioned.

Understand that the consequences of your actions are inevitable
because all the pleasure and pain of sentient beings result from karma.

Understand that pain is your spiritual friend
because it is the cause of renunciation.

Understand that pleasure and happiness are the demons of attachment
because they are the roots of samsara.

Understand that many engagements are obstacles for merit
because they hinder spiritual practice.

Understand that enemies and obstructers are your teachers
because they are inspiration for spiritual practice.

Understand that everything is of equal nature
because all phenomena are ultimately devoid of self-nature.

These are the ten things to understand.

~ Gampopa